Training - Gender Biases Against Women
As part of Gender Equality Plan MU (GEP), a training session focused on the issue of gender stereotypes.
In the middle of October 2018, members of the HR Award project team travelled to the University of Antwerp (UoA) in Belgium, where the HR Strategy workshop was held. This workshop was organized by the HR team of the University for the Czech institutions that applied for the HR Award certification (e.g. Mendel University or University of Liberec, and others). We met with Mrs. Karen Vandevelde, the HR Award EC assessor and ambassador for the Czech Republic, and also the UoA HR department Head, and her great HR team. We got answers to our question regarding the HRS4R gap analysis and action plan and saw what a successful implementation of the action plan at the University looks like.
Workshop topics were as follows: Open, Transparent Merit-based Recruitment, Career Development for Ph.D.’s and PostDocs, Evaluation system for researchers, and Working conditions and social security – the role of International Staff Office for foreign researchers.
As part of Gender Equality Plan MU (GEP), a training session focused on the issue of gender stereotypes.
In May 2024, we launched an analytical phase of the project "Introducing a Flexible Working Culture and a Support System for Parents on Maternity and Parental Leave into the Working Environment of the MU Faculty of Science" as part of the Employment Plus Operational Programme (OPZ+). This phase includes a gender equality audit, featuring structured individual and group interviews with our employees, led by an auditor.