Training - Gender Biases Against Women
As part of Gender Equality Plan MU (GEP), a training session focused on the issue of gender stereotypes.
The Crisis Management Beyond the Arctic Circle training focusing on the communication and psychologic aspects of excellent long-term field research took place at the Faculty Science of MU shortly after the New Year 2024.
The specific workshop for Czech Antarctic Research Programme (CARP) was prepared in cooperation of three departments: Department of Geography – CARP, HR Award Office, and Human Resources. Based on joint meetings and careful analysis of training needs, a unique training content was prepared. The desired goal was to equip supervisors of the expedition with competences in the areas of crisis management, providing feedback, conflict prevention or self-reflection skills. Equally important was to focus on self-knowledge and self-management, working with prejudice or team diversity.
Enhancing management skills in challenging conditions of extreme field research in difficult conditions, such as expeditions beyond the Arctic Circle, demanded specific focus and experience of the trainer. Therefore, the pivotal role of the lecturer was taken by MUDr. Mgr. Vratislav Kalenda, MSc. in SHRM, a distinguished professional who had previously demonstrated his expertise as a trainer at the Faculty of Science MU. This time, however, for the first time with such specialized and demanding content.
The workshop marked the initial phase of a training concept planned to extend its focus beyond managers, intending to include various participants involved in research expeditions in the future. We firmly believe that this outcome of the HRS4R/HR Award project, a pilot training concept, will evolve and find application across other departments of the Faculty of Science MU, whose research teams conduct excellent field research.
Analysis of the feedback received post-workshop underscores a highly positive response from participants who attended. They expressed appreciation for the opportunity to acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in crisis management, which they will utilize during an upcoming expedition beyond the Arctic Circle.
As part of Gender Equality Plan MU (GEP), a training session focused on the issue of gender stereotypes.
In May 2024, we launched an analytical phase of the project "Introducing a Flexible Working Culture and a Support System for Parents on Maternity and Parental Leave into the Working Environment of the MU Faculty of Science" as part of the Employment Plus Operational Programme (OPZ+). This phase includes a gender equality audit, featuring structured individual and group interviews with our employees, led by an auditor.