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Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
Doctoral degree in full-time or combined form. The language of instruction is Czech.
The programme can be studied only as a single subject.
Application deadline depending on the admission procedure chosen (midnight 30 April 2025 or 15 December 2025)
The programme’s goal is to develop students into top specialists in microbiology of prokaryotic and eucaryotic cells developed within the Department of Experimental Biology at Faculty of Science, MU. Graduates should be ready to take on further scientific careers in academic institutions, but also for possible employment in health care or veterinary facilities, in food, chemical or pharmaceutical industry and in biotechnology companies with own research facilities, and as specialist lecturers.
The program actively supports its graduates in pursuing their scientific careers even further by encouraging long-term stays in post-graduate positions abroad.
The individual laboratories of the Microbiology programme cover the following research areas in which doctoral students are also trained:
Taxonomy and diversity of microorganisms
The link between programmes are shared technologies, joint workshops, specialized seminars and conferences. Students are motivated by the high professional quality of research in a competitive, yet collaboration-friendly environment. Performance of individual students is recognized not only financially, but also, for example, by participating at prestigious conferences.
“Life on the Earth is not possible without microbes.”
The student is responsible for at least one stay abroad in microbiology laboratory in minimal duration of one month during the study programme.
The Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization takes care of doctoral students SCI MU
On the department's website, you can find the following information:
but also office hours, contacts, news, information on skills development and scholarships.
Detailed information on stays abroad can be found on this website:
Graduates of a doctoral degree program Microbiology are qualified to work especially in research institutes and departmental workplaces or as university lecturers. The level of obtained knowledges and experiences gives adequate guaranty for high adaptability of graduates in various fields of microbiology. They are authorized to conduct independent scientific and research activities in basic and applied research. In the most general sense, they are considered qualified for any kind of scientific work in microbiology, that is dealing with conceptual issues, participating in and managing scientific research activities, and teaching.
More information about admission process for international applicants in general can be found here.
Date of the entrance exam
The applicants will receive information about the entrance exam by e-mail usually at least 10 days before the exam.
Please, always check your e-mails, including spam folders.
Conditions of admission
Minimum requirements for successful examination are 85 points for scientific part and 60 points for language part of the entrance examination.
Successful applicants are informed of their acceptance by e-mail and subsequently receive an invitation to the enrolment.
Programme capacity
The capacity of a given programme is not fixed; students are admitted based on a decision by the Doctoral Board after assessing their aptitude for study and motivation.
More information about admission process for international applicants in general can be found in the section Admission Process.
Date of the entrance exam
The applicants will receive information about the entrance exam by e-mail usually at least 10 days before the exam.
Please, always check your e-mails, including spam folders.
Conditions of admission
Minimum requirements for successful examination are 85 points for scientific part and 60 points for language part of the entrance examination.
Successful applicants are informed of their acceptance by e-mail and subsequently receive an invitation to the enrolment.
Programme capacity
The capacity of a given programme is not fixed; students are admitted based on a decision by the Doctoral Board after assessing their aptitude for study and motivation.
Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
International applicants for doctoral study (Czech and Slovak Republics applicants NOT included)
Klíšťová encefalitida představuje závažné, potenciálně smrtelné virové onemocnění člověka. V současné době neexistují zádné možnosti pro postexpoziční profylaxi nebo léčbu tohoto onemocnění. Předkládaná práce se zaměří na vývoj nových monoklonálních protilátek a nanoprotilátek, které by účinně neutralizovaly virus klíšťové encefalitidy. Kromě testování protilátek se budeme věnovat studiu mechanismu neutralizace viru a mechanismům, které jsou zapojené do procesu vzniku rezistence viru vůči neutralizaci protilátkami.
Cílem této disertační práce je prozkoumat a optimalizovat procesy anoxygenní fotosyntézy v prostředí fotobioreaktoru za účelem detoxikace sirovodíku a asimilace oxidu uhličitého. Práce se zaměří na zelené sirné bakterie (GSB) jako modelové organismy, které používají sirovodík jako hlavní elektronový donor a oxidu uhličitého jako zdroj uhlíku, přičemž vytváří elementární síru a organické sloučeniny. Důraz bude kladen na bioenergetiku a optimalizaci podmínek kultivace v bioreaktorech, včetně světelných podmínek, teploty a složení média. Součástí bude rovněž hodnocení potenciálu těchto mikroorganismů pro environmentální aplikace, jako je bioremediace znečištěných vod nebo výroba bioenergie. Práce také zohlední možné průmyslové aplikace v rámci konceptu biorefinerií, které přispívají k udržitelnému využití biogenního oxidu uhličitého a odpadních vod. Výsledky mohou vést k významnému snížení emisí oxidu uhličitého a k rozvoji inovativních technologií pro udržitelnou produkci.
Cílem projektu je studovat interakce mezi virem klíšťové encefalitidy a hostitelem na molekulární a buněčné úrovni. Zvláštní zřetel bude kladen na identifikace molekul zapojených v procesu internalizace viru hostitelskou buňkou, aktivace drah imunitní odpovědi na infekci a hledání genetických markerů, které determinují tropismus viru k různým typům buněk a tkání a závažnost průběhu infekce.
Téma je rezervováno. The topic is already reserved.
Provided by | Faculty of Science | |
Type of studies | Doctoral | |
Mode | full-time | Yes |
combined | Yes | |
distance | No | |
Study options | single-subject studies | Yes |
single-subject studies with specialization | No | |
major/minor studies | No | |
Standard length of studies | 4 years | |
Language of instruction | Czech | |
Collaborating institutions |
Doctoral board and doctoral committees |
e‑mail: |