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Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
Doctoral degree in full-time or combined form. The language of instruction is Czech.
The programme can be studied only as a single subject.
Application deadline depending on the admission procedure chosen (midnight 30 April 2025 or 15 December 2025)
The study program Biomolecular chemistry and bioinformatics includes knowledge about the structure of biologically important bio(macro)molecules (proteins nucleic acids, oligosaccharides, etc.), and the relation between their structure and biological function. Students are trained in methods of carrying out and applying research on the 3-D structure and function of bio(macro)molecules. The technical facilities allow students regular use of the most modern methods, both experimental (nuclear magnetic resonance, x-ray diffraction, cryo-electron microscopy, methods in biomolecular interactions studies , methods of molecular biology) and computational (quantum chemistry, molecular mechanics and dynamics). Emphasis is placed on independent work by students in the context of implementing research projects, including the ability to communicate and present results in the English language. Students also learn to make use of information available in literature and electronic databases. The range of specialized lectures allows students to deepen their theoretical knowledge.
Study covers the following research areas:
Computational chemistry and chemoinformatics
Structural bioinformatics
Structural analysis using nuclear magnetic resonance, x-ray difraction and cryo-electron microscopy
Interaction of proteins with cell membrane
Structural virology
Structure and dynamics of nucleic acids
Structural biology of gene regulation
Non-coding genome
RNA quality control
Recombination and DNA repair
DNA sequence analysis
Next-generation sequencing
The program of studies is designed to be interdisciplinary, helping students learn to combine knowledge from various fields.
The Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization takes care of doctoral students SCI MU
On the department's website, you can find the following information:
but also office hours, contacts, news, information on skills development and scholarships.
Detailed information on stays abroad can be found on this website:
The goal of the doctoral study programme is to prepare specialists at the highest level who will be not only specialists with detailed knowledge of certain techniques, but creative thinkers with a broad overview of the field of biomolecular chemistry and bioinformatics with good foundations in theory. Although the graduate will be qualified mainly for an academic career, he will also be a specialist capable of serving in the commercial sphere, especially in biochemical and pharmaceutical research, working with biologically-oriented databases, and in fields using advanced methods of computational chemistry and bioinformatics. As the experience of the past few years has shown, foreign contacts and study stays can help the graduate to find work at the top institutes abroad. Foreign contacts and study stays can help the graduate to find work at the top institutes abroad.
More information about admission process for international applicants in general can be found here.
Date of the entrance exam
The applicants will receive information about the entrance exam by e-mail usually at least 10 days before the exam.
Please, always check your e-mails, including spam folders.
Conditions of admission
To be admitted, the candidate must obtain at least 160 points.
Successful applicants are informed of their acceptance by e-mail and subsequently receive an invitation to the enrolment.
Programme capacity
The capacity of a given programme is not fixed; students are admitted based on a decision by the Doctoral Board after assessing their aptitude for study and motivation.
More information about admission process for international applicants in general can be found in the section Admission Process.
Date of the entrance exam
The applicants will receive information about the entrance exam by e-mail usually at least 10 days before the exam.
Please, always check your e-mails, including spam folders.
Conditions of admission
To be admitted, the candidate must obtain at least 160 points.
Successful applicants are informed of their acceptance by e-mail and subsequently receive an invitation to the enrolment.
Programme capacity
The capacity of a given programme is not fixed; students are admitted based on a decision by the Doctoral Board after assessing their aptitude for study and motivation.
Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
International applicants for doctoral study (Czech and Slovak Republics applicants NOT included)
DNA forms not only the canonical duplex but also various non-canonical structures such as triplex, G-quadruplex, and i-motif. The are many external factors that influence folding and stability of the individual forms. Further, DNA structure can be affected by attachment of various artificial covalent or noncovalent ligands.
Our investigations are focused on detailed structural characterization of short purine oligonucleotides clipped by proper sequential blocks. For this purpose, modern NMR experiments combined with MD simulations are employed. The effect of modification of selected nucleotide on the structural properties of designed models is characterized to gain deeper understanding of key noncovalent interactions that contribute to the DNA folding.
Examples of PhD topics:
a) Structure of parallel forms of nucleic acids studied by NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling
b) Designing modified DNA fragments
More information:
Note: All candidates should contact R. Marek for informal discussion before initiating the formal application process.
V současné době máme k dispozici nadkritické množství informací ohledně proteinových strukturních rodin. Konkrétně, pro většinu rodin známe stovky struktur jejích zástupců, přičemž tyto struktury pocházejí z různých organismů, některé z nich váží rozličné ligandy a mnohé obsahují různorodé mutace. Tyto informace umožňují analýzu „anatomie“ daných proteinových rodin. Například studium elementů sekundární struktury (šroubovic a skládaných listů), jejich vzájemného uspořádání, konzervovanosti a určování, které z těchto elementů jsou pro danou proteinovou rodinu klíčové a které se vyskytují jen raritně. Dále pak zkoumání proteinových tunelů a pórů, jejich charakteristik a četnosti jejich výskytu u jednotlivých zástupců proteinové rodiny. V rámci laboratoře LCC jsou vyvíjeny softwarové nástroje pro realizaci výše uvedených analýz, např. software MOLE, LiteMol, SecStrAnalyzer. Hlavním cílem disertační práce je zaměřit se na několik konkrétních biologicky významných proteinových rodin (např. cytochromy, poriny, dehalogenázy, proapoptotické proteiny) a provést jejich detailní analýzu. Dalším cílem je spolupráce při vývoji uvedených softwarových nástrojů.
Vypsáno pro přihlášení studentky Jany Porubské.
V současné době jsou v rámci pokročilých bioinformatických, biochemických a biologických experimentů produkována rozsáhlá data – např. elektronové hustoty z kryoelektronové mikroskopie, obrazová data získaná optickou mikroskopií, proteinové struktury produkované molekulovou dynamikou nebo coarse-grained simulacemi. Taková data obsahují cenné informace pro vědeckou komunitu. Jejich získání je však často velmi časově i finančně náročné. V mnoha případech se jedná o data netriviálně komplikovaná (různě strukturované souborové hierarchie a závislosti mezi nimi) a velmi rozsáhlá. Stále častějším a do budoucna povinným požadavkem vědecké komunity je zpřístupňovat data dle FAIR principů. Tzn. že je nezbytné tato data vhodně strukturovat, anotovat a archivovat, aby byla pro komunitu dostupná, transparentně vyhledatelná, uložena ve standardních formátech a tím dále opakovaně využitelná. A právě vývojem workflow pro management uvedených dat se bude zabývat tato disertační práce.
Bacterial and fungal infections are once again becoming a serious threat to humans. Especially with the emergence of new strains resistant to known antibacterial and antifungal drugs, the search for new treatments has become paramount. However, the classical drug development approaches have many limitations and have not provided successful candidates in the last decades. Hopefully, the situation can change due to a steady increase in computational power. Such unprecedented computational power, combined with new algorithms employing machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches, has the potential to revolutionize structural biology, biomolecular chemistry, and bioinformatics. However, many challenges need to be overcome to get the required outcome.
We are interested in combining in silico modelling approaches utilizing both physically based and machine learning approaches to understand the function of enzymes from pathogenic organisms. Detailed knowledge of protein behaviour and enzymatic reaction mechanisms is essential for developing potential inhibitors and, thus, novel drugs capable of blocking specific biochemical pathways that either kill the pathogen or help the immune system eradicate the infection.
We focus on systems with unknown experimental structures, where the combination of artificial intelligence approaches inspired by AlphaFold2 methodology and advanced molecular dynamics sampling can reveal a suitable structural model. The found model is then employed in the subsequent study of the reaction mechanisms by hybrid approaches utilizing reaction and classical potentials. We test the suitability of many approaches, from a traditional quantum mechanical description of the active site to modern ones based on machine learning approaches or reactive potentials such as ReaxFF. We employ the in-house developed PMFLib software to obtain free energies describing the reaction and activation energies of the studied processes.
Possible PhD topics include:
Téma vyhrazeno pro studenta Július Zemaník.
Correlative Light Electron Microscopy (CLEM) uses a combination of an optical (fluorescence) microscope and a cryo-electron microscope. Two images of the sample are taken simultaneously – one with the optical light, the other with the electron beam. This technology allows to capture not only dynamic changes but also the molecular ultrastructure of living systems. New developments in accurate positional referencing of specimens on mounting grids, advances in the instrumentation, and the availability of software packages for cross-platform data correlation allow to image the ultrastructure of nucleolar sub-compartments and to track specific proteins found in phase-separated organelles. In this project, we will implement the CLEM technology to investigate and visualize phase-separated organelles involved in transcription by RNA polymerase II and investigate their regulatory mechanism during transcription. This biophysically focused project will also involve other imaging approaches, including single-particle reconstruction cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography, which will help to obtain an overall picture of condensate-based transcription at different resolutions.
We invite enthusiastic application for a PhD position with interest in molecular biology and biochemistry. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Krejčí to identify and characterise novel inhibitors of DNA repair nucleases, their mechanisms of action and therapeutic implications.
The PhD position candidate should hold or be about to complete a Masters degree in molecular biology, biochemistry or similar field. The applicant is also expected to demonstrate essential training in a range of molecular biology techniques relevant to basic research, should be well-organised, motivated and passionate about pursuing a career in biomedical research.
We offer fully funded positions with competitive salary in a well established laboratory. The lab hosts international team members, has a strong publication track record and international collaborations. The offered projects contribute to a rapidly advancing, very competitive field. The successful candidate can start immediately.
The primary objective of our research is to delve into the collective and site-specific dynamics of both intrinsically disordered and globular proteins, with the overarching goal of elucidating their biological function and allosteric control mechanisms. Our focus lies in comprehending how knowledge of protein dynamics can inform the design of mutations within a protein to reshape its ensemble of conformational states and thereby modulate its function. Central to our investigative approach is the recognition of how evolution has shaped protein dynamics and how fundamental processes such as allosteric regulation are intricately intertwined with the dynamic coupling of different regions within an enzyme. To achieve this, we employ a combination of solution- and solid-state NMR techniques, allowing us to zoom in on the dynamic coupling mechanisms underlying allostery. Through this interdisciplinary methodology, we endeavor to gain a comprehensive understanding of how protein dynamics intersect with allosteric regulation, offering valuable insights for the development of targeted therapeutic interventions. These insights hold particular promise for addressing diseases characterized by protein dynamics and function.
Díky vysoce výkonným bioinformatickým, biochemickým a biologickým experimentálním metodikám jsou v současné době produkována extrémně velká data – např. data z kryoelektronové mikroskopie, obrazová data z nukleární magnetické rezonance nebo světelné mikroskopie, proteinové struktury generované coarse-grained simulacemi apod. Tato data jsou cenná nejen pro jejich autory, ale i pro celou vědeckou komunitu. Proto je velmi žádoucí uvedená data této vědecké komunitě zpřístupnit. Nezbytným krokem pro zpřístupnění těchto dat je jejich popis metadaty. Bez metadatového popisu by byla orientace v datech nemožná. Cílem disertační práce je vývoj metodik a workflow pro práci s těmito metadaty: jejich extrakce z (primárních) dat, popis pomocí ontologií a integrace v rámci obecnějších metadatových schémat, případně návrh systému/jazyka, který umožní s metadaty z různých zdrojů transparentně a unifikovaně pracovat.
Bacterial glycans, commonly found on cell surfaces, are a characteristic trait of many bacteria. They play a crucial role in adhesion, colonization, and evasion of the immune system. This Ph.D. project employs state-of-the-art molecular simulations to investigate how bacterial glycans and lipopolysaccharides interact with polymeric materials. The primary goal is to leverage molecular insights to propose innovative functionalization techniques for implant coatings, making them less prone to bacterial adherence. The student will develop and employ novel atomistic/coarse-grained models to accurately depict both bacterial glycans and polymeric surfaces. The student will master and perform multiscale molecular dynamics simulations, incorporating enhanced sampling methods such as well-tempered metadynamics and accelerated weight histogram techniques. The project will be conducted in collaboration with multiple experimental groups, enriching its practical applicability.
All interested candidates should first contact Dr. Denys Biriukov (
Peptidová/proteinová afinita k membránám je závislá na konkrétní sekvenci a membránovém složení. Bohužel porozumění tohoto komplexního vztahu nám dosud chybí. Cílem tohoto projektu odhalit tento vztah a využít ho k vývoji nových antimikrobiálních peptidů, biomarkerů a senzorů.
Student získá znalosti v oblasti fluorescence, lipidových váčků, QCM.
The research goal is investigation of structure, dynamics, and biologically relevant properties of proteins, using NMR spectroscopy and other high-resolution approaches. Currently, our group is mostly interested in studies of molecular motions using NMR relaxation and relaxation dispersion; in studies of protein disorder using NMR approaches providing sufficient resolution (usually based on non-uniformly sampled high-dimensional spectra); and in studies of interactions of intrinsically disordered proteins with their binding partners (using NMR, cryo-EM, and biophysical methods). The systems currently studied in the laboratory include bacterial RNA polymerases and microtubule associated proteins.
We are inetrested structure and dynamics of well-ordered and domains of subunits and sigma factors of RNA polymerase from B. subtilis, characterization of structural features and dynamics of disordered domain, and in importance of electrostatic interactions for structural properties and biological function of the protein. Currently we extend our interest to mycobacterial RNA polymerase.
Microtubule associated protein 2c (MAP2c) is a key factor regulating microtubule dynamics in developing brain neurons, and an example of an intrinsically disordered proteins with an important physiological function and detectable structure-function relationship. The first goal is to study MAP2c in a natural complexity and by methods providing atomic resolution. Such methods include paramagnetic relaxation interference, to detect and describe transient local structures of MAP2c important for its function, and real-time NMR, to monitor kinetics of MAP2c phosphorylation by relevant kinases of different signalling pathways. The second goal is to characterize interactions of MAP2c with biologically important binding partners, especially with isoforms and a monomeric form of regulatory protein 14-3-3. The third goal is to test the effect of cellular environment on MAP2c by recording NMR spectra at near-to-native conditions (in cells and/or cell lysates) and/or by performing cryo-electron tomography on monolayered neurons.
EXAMPLES OF POTENTIAL PHD TOPICS:BACKGROUND: Several neurodegenerative diseases are associated with the formation of fibrous protein aggregates. The fibrillization of amyloid beta peptide into amyloid plaques and the agregation of hyperphosphorylated tau protein into neurofibrillar tangles are main neuropatological signs of Alzheimer disease. Studying of how different factors influence the formation of biomolecular complexes is the key for understanding underlying molecular mechanism of neurodegerative processes. The described activities are part of international research projects allowing to spend the part of PhD study at the collaborative groups in Europe or North and South America and to learn specific research techniques, there.
OBJECTIVES: The research aims to elucidate molecular mechanisms of conformational changes leading to the modified potential of biomolecular complex formation. Interdisciplinary approach combining computational biophysical chemistry, structural biology, bioinformatics and biophysical interaction techniques will be applied.
FOCUS: Doctoral research projects focus on the monitoring of post-translational modification of studied proteins, their interaction with adaptor proteins and induced conformational changes. Students benefit from outstanding research facilities of CEITEC-MU that include cryoEM tomography, NMR, AFM, and biophysical interaction methods.
EXAMPLES of potential student doctoral projects:
PLEASE NOTE: before initiating the formal application process to doctoral studies, all interested candidates are required to contact Jozef Hritz ( for informal discussion.
The aim of PhD projects is to study in details on how specific terminal RNA modifications regulate cellular differentiation and to study the protein-protein interactions of factors involved in the regulation of adenosine methylation (m6A) in coding and noncoding RNAs.
Prospective student should ideally have done masters in molecular biology/biochemistry and have laboratory experience in nucleic acids and/or protein purification and analysis. The most highly valued feature will, however, be excitement for science and a strong drive in tackling important biological questions.
PLEASE NOTE: before initiating the formal application process to doctoral studies, all interested candidates are required to contact the supervisor
We apply structural biology methods in order to gain a mechanistic view of CK1ε action in the Wnt signalling pathways. CK1ε represents an attractive therapeutic target but currently two key steps in the CK1ε-mediated Wnt signal transduction are unclear: how CK1ε gets activated and/or engages target proteins in response to Wnt signal and how CK1ε phosphorylates its key substrate Dishevelled (DVL).
Our preliminary data suggest that we can efficiently apply methods of integrated structural biology to (i) probe the DVL conformational landscape using in vitro and in vivo FRET sensors coupled to SAXS and CryoEM, (ii) understand the (auto)phosphorylation regulatory mechanisms of CK1ε, (iii) analyse by NMR the functional consequences of DVL phosphorylation and (iv) monitor DVL phosphorylation by real-time NMR under controlled cellular conditions. The position is part of a multidisciplinary project that combines (i) cellular and molecular biology, (ii) proteomic analysis, (iii) biochemistry and structural biology, and received generous funding in a very competitive grant scheme.
Keywords: CK1ε, WNT, DVL phosphorylation, SAXS, cryo-EM, cryo-electron microscopy, real-time NMR
Kostas Tripsianes, PhD | CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology | Masaryk University | Kamenice 5/A35/1S081, CZ-62500 Brno | phone: 00420 549 49 6607
Our scientific goal is understanding of the most basic principles of structural dynamics, function and evolution of DNA and RNA.
To achieve our goal, we use a wide portfolio of theoretical/computational approaches. Our research is closely related to experiments, mostly via extensive collaborations, though in the prebiotic chemistry we have in house experiments. We offer thesis essentially on any topic that is currently active in the laboratory. You can get the most up-to-date idea about our current research from the WOS or SCOPUS databases, where you can find all our publications (Sponer, J.), see all our collaborators, etc. The laboratory is located at the Institute of Biophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Kralovopolska 135, Brno, where we have a powerfull and regularly upgraded set of high-perfomance computer clusters dedicated exclusively to our group
Our methods are:Besides studies of specific systems, we are also involved extensively in method testing/development, mainly in the field of parametrization of molecular mechanical force fields for DNA
NOTE: before initiating the formal application process to doctoral studies, all interested candidates are required to contact Prof. Jiri Sponer ( for an informal discussion.Laboratory web page
List of publications laboratory is focusing on study of molecular mechanisms of genome instability associated diseases
linked to DNA repair defects. DNA in cells is constantly damaged not only from external but also internal sources resulting in accumulation of hundreds of thousand lesion per cell and day. One of the mechanisms involved in genome stability is homologous recombination and its defects are linked to development of various cancers and diseases (BLM, RTS, FA, etc.).
PhD project might involved following topics: 1)RecQ4 helicase, mutated in „Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome“, a its biochemical and biological characterisation; 2) Development of new nuclease inhibitors and their preclinical characterisation; 3) Rad51 paralogs and their role in genome stability and cancer development; 4) Role of G4 structures and their metabolism in genome stability.
Our approaches involve broad range of molecular-biological, biochemical, biophysical, cell biological, genetic and structural methods.
Provided by | Faculty of Science | |
Type of studies | Doctoral | |
Mode | full-time | Yes |
combined | Yes | |
distance | No | |
Study options | single-subject studies | Yes |
single-subject studies with specialization | No | |
major/minor studies | No | |
Standard length of studies | 4 years | |
Language of instruction | Czech | |
Doctoral board and doctoral committees |
e‑mail: |