Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History

Follow-up Master's degree in full-time form. The language of instruction is Czech.

The programme can be studied as a single subject or in combination with another programme.

What will you learn?

The aim of the preparation of the students of the teaching of history for secondary schools is predominantly the acquisition and deepening of professional knowledge of history from their baccalaureate studies, the acquisition of the didactic competencies for the instruction of history, development of the ability to manage pedagogical-psychological situations associated with teaching and with the operation of a school and development of the diagnostic and special educational skills connected with demand of an individual and differentiated approach to pupils/students.

Practical training

The students perform the practical component of professional preparation through pedagogical practice. The subjects of Didactic Workshop, Pedagogical Practice I, II and Seminar for Pedagogical Practice allows the students to master the professional competencies necessary in the everyday work of a teacher, to become aware of their own professional needs and gradually to take responsibility for the planning, implementation and evaluation of instruction. During the practice, the student acquires a real idea of what the everyday work of a teacher involves. After mastering the teaching practices, the student is able to plan, implement and evaluate his/her own instruction at the appropriate level of standard of professional qualities and also autonomously perform all the other activities necessary for the performance of the teaching profession at a defined quality level. The student is also able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of his/her professional performance and to propose personal development goals, how to achieve them and to implement them in the given time.

A component of teaching practice is also the Seminar for Pedagogical Practice, which provides students a space for sharing and reflecting on the experience from the practice and helps them develop their reflective and self-reflective skills. The method of guiding the seminars is in spired by the concept of so-called reflecting teams, which is characterized by the cooperation of more experts from various areas. A field didactician along with a pedagogue or psychologist assures the instruction. Selected accompanying teachers are also regularly invited to the instruction. Thanks to completion of the seminar, the student is able to share and reflect openly on experience from his/her own pedagogical practice in the professional community and also use reflexion and self-reflection purposefully as an instrument of professional learning.

Career opportunities

The graduates of the study programme of teaching for secondary school will serve with priority as teachers of history at secondary schools (general-purpose secondary schools and specialized secondary schools) and further also in the area of project didactics in museum and other educational institutions and the structures of tourism.

Admission requirements

Data from the previous admission procedure (17 Jul – 17 Aug 2024)

Deadline for submitting applications: July 17 - August 17, 2024

Who the programme is intended for: The programme is intended for graduates of any Bachelor’s degree programme.

Subject matter of the entrance examination: Written examination - knowledge in the scope of the Bachelor’s degree programme in the studies of History (questions from the introduction to history, from Czech history, from general history, from historiography from the beginning of the Middle Ages to 1989). Applicants must also submit a motivation letter of 1 standard page. The motivation letter must be uploaded into the e-application (rubric “Documents”) by 17 August 2024. Applicants are required to include their full name and application number on all attached documents.

The length of the test is 60 minutes.

Waiver of the entrance examination: The entrance examination will be waived for applicants who have passed the Bachelor’s examination in the field/programme of History at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University with an excellent (A), very good (B), or good (C) result. Applicants can ask for a waiver for the entrance examination via the e-application form, section "Application for waiver of the entrance examination".

Website Department of History.

General information on the course of the admission procedure to the follow-up Master’s degree programmes at FA MU can be found here. Documents for the current admission procedure are kept in Materials for Applicants.

Criteria for evaluation

Pass/fail line of the entrance examination: 40 points (out of 100).

Minimum score and numbers of accepted applicants in past years

Study options

Single-subject studies

Students have a pre-defined list of required courses, which are supplemented with selective and elective courses. The student pays full attention to the single field of study chosen.

Combined studies

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Science

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Arts

Courses – curriculum examples

An example of your study plan:

Single-subject studies

Combined studies

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Arts

Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History, full-time studies
+ Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in French Language and Literature – Faculty of Arts

Bold – required courses
Normal – selective courses

Detailed information about courses in the study plan Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History
Detailed information about courses in the study plan Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in French Language and Literature

Follow-up studies

Graduates can apply for a doctoral degree study programme in Czech history, general history, and related subjects.

Study information

Provided by Faculty of Arts
Type of studies Follow-up master's
Mode full-time Yes
combined No
distance No
Study options single-subject studies Yes
single-subject studies with specialization No
major/minor studies Yes
Standard length of studies 2 years
Language of instruction Czech

Do you have any questions?
Send us an e-mail to

Mgr. Tomáš Dvořák, Ph.D.



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