
Students in full-time form of study shall receive a monthly stipend to support their studies in a doctoral programme (see MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations).

The amount of the scholarship to support study in a doctoral study programme is determined by a measure of the Rector for the current calendar year. This measure is amended by the Instruction of the Dean of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University No. 2/2024.

Minimum Amount of Scholarship:
(1) The minimum amount of the scholarship for the support of studies in the doctoral degree programme is 16,000 CZK/month.
(2) The scholarship under subsection 1 may be reduced to the minimum amount of CZK 12,000/month, provided that the sum of the scholarship so reduced and any net monthly wages or salary earned by the student for activities related to their doctoral studies as part of their employment at MU (including agreements to complete a job (DPP) and agreements to perform work (DPČ)) does not fall below the amount specified in subsection 1 (CZK 16,000/month).

The amount is sent at the beginning of each month by a bank transfer to the student's account, which he/she has entered into the IS.

Exceptionally, students may be awarded a scholarship for outstanding results in research or development activities, for an outstanding dissertation or publication, or a significant representation of the faculty. These scholarships are proposed by the student's supervisor, the Head of the Department, or the Dean of the Faculty.

The decisions on granting scholarships to students are delivered via e-mail to their e-mail address in the IS.

The scholarship cannot be paid until the decision made has come into legal force. Under the Higher Education Act, a student has the right to request a re-evaluation of the decision made regarding the scholarship within 30 days of its delivery. The decision comes into force only after the expiry of this period. The student can, therefore, speed up the entire process by making a statement that he/she waives their right to request a re-evaluation of the decision made. This statement (waiver) is part of the online "confirmation of acceptance", as mentioned above.

The decision in certificated paper form will be issued to the student upon request at the Dean's Office.

Iva Klímová

Research and development assistant, Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization

phone: +420 549 49 7277

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