Project information
Ecotoxicology of persistent organic environmental pollutants

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2003 - 12/2005
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science

Persistent organic polutants (POPs) form an important group of environmental polutants. Toxic effects of the POPs on human health are relatively intensively studied. Most of the available ecotoxicological data however includes only results of acute(lethal effects). Hypothesis of the proposed project is defined as following: POPs cause significant sub-lethal effects in various organisms in aquatic as well as terrestrial ecosystems. Major objective of the project is to study and characterizebiological sub-lethal effects of selected priority POPs, with special respect to prolonged exposures to lower concentrations. Selection of the compounds of the interest (toxaphene, HCB + PeCB, lindane, PCNs, SCCPs, chlorinated dihydroxybiphnenyls) isbased on the current international conventions (UN-ECE CLRTAP) and discussions of experts (UNEP/IFCS - POPs). Sub-lethal ecotoxicological effects in aquatic and terrestrial organisms will be studied.


Total number of publications: 45

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