Project information
Spatiotemporal biodiversity dynamics in ecosystems of Central Europe
- Project Identification
- MSM 143100010
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 12/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
- prof. RNDr. Jaromír Vaňhara, CSc.
- Keywords
- Algae;Aquatic ecosystem;Biodiversity;Biosystematics;Community;Ecology;Higher plants;Host parasite systems;Hydrobiology;Insects;Modelling;Monitoring;Pollinators;Population;Small mammals;Spirochaete;Terrestrial ecosystem;Transmittion
Total number of publications: 709
Coexistence of congeneric monogenean species: morphological similarity, niche separation and reinforcement of reproductive bariers.
Program and Abstracts 4th International Symposium on Monogenea, year: 2001
Comparison of enumeration and Jolly-Seber estimation of population size in the common vole Microtus arvalis
Acta Theriologica, year: 2001, volume: 46, edition: 3
Contribution to our knowledge of macroinvertebrate fauna of the Dyje River downstream of the Nové Mlýny Reservoirs (Czech Republic)
Scripta Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brun., Biol., year: 2001
Čtyřleté studium výskytu Borrelia burgdorferi v klíšťatech na lokalitě Pisárky, Brno
X. Tomáškovy dny 2001, year: 2001
Dead Wood in Floodplain Forests - Biodiversity Multiplier or Forest Pest Breeding-Ground?
Proceedings of the International Conference Management of Floodplain Forests in Southern Moravia, Židlochovice, May 13-16, 2000, year: 2001
Detectoring of flight activity of Lesser horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus hipposideros, at a cave entrance over a year
Nietoperze, year: 2001, volume: 2, edition: 2
Determination and multivariate statistical analysis of biochemical responses to environmental contaminants in feral freshwater fish Leuciscus cephalus
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, year: 2001, volume: 20, edition: 5
Diptera in an Industrially Affected Region (North-Western Bohemia, Bílina and Duchcov Environs) II
Year: 2001, number of pages: 274 s.
Diversity of monogenean parasites in Central Europe: present status and perspectives
Program and Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Monogenea, year: 2001
Faunistic records: Dolichopodidae
Acta Univ. Carol., Biologica, year: 2001, volume: 45, edition: 1-2