Project information
Biomolecular Structure-function Relationships and their role in the Metabolism
- Project Identification
- MSM 143100005
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 12/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
- prof. RNDr. Igor Kučera, DrSc.
- Keywords
- structural biology, structure-function relationships of biomolecules, study of metabolism, enzymatic activity, NMR - spectroscopy, computer modeling of biomolecules, X-ray crystallography
Total number of publications: 278
Vliv metabolitů václavky na obrannou reakci rostlin
Sborník abstrakt 22. kongresu CSSM, year: 2001
15N NMR Studies of Nitrogen Heterocycles: Examples on Tautomerism and Regioisomerism
XXII Finnish NMR Symposium, year: 2000
15N NMR studies on tautomerism and regioisomerism of nitrogen heterocycles
15th European Experimental NMR Conference (EENC), year: 2000
1H-, 13C-, 15N-NMR and Quantum-Chemical Study of the Quaternary Benzo[c]phenanthridine Alkaloids and Their Bases
ANZMAG 2000, year: 2000
2,5-Dimethylphenacyl as a New Photoreleasable Protecting Group for Carboxylic Acids
Organic Letters, year: 2000, volume: 2, edition: 11
A Method for Direct Determination of Helical Parameters in Nucleic Acids Using Residual Dipolar Couplings
Journal of the American Chemical Society, year: 2000, volume: 122, edition: 42
Ab Initio Calculations of of Spin - Spin Coupling Constants in Anhydrodeoxythymidines
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, year: 2000, volume: 104, edition: 12
Ab initio výpočty chemických posunů v biomolekulách
Chemické listy, year: 2000, volume: 94, edition: 2
Calculation of Chemical Shifts and Conformational Analysis of Sanguinarine Free Base
XXII Finish NMR Symposium Turku, Finland, year: 2000
Crystal structure of the haloalkane dehalogenase from Sphingomonas paucimobilis UT26
Biochemistry, year: 2000, volume: 39, edition: 46