Project information
Geological Processes and their Environmental Impact - Contact of the Variscides and Alpides
- Project Identification
- MSM 143100004
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 12/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Science
- Keywords
- geological processes;paleobiocoenoses;paleoecology;paleogeography;sedimentary basins;outer zones of the Variscan and Alpine orogenes;active tectonics;volcanic activity;weathering;environmental hazards;geochemistry
Total number of publications: 437
The cyclicity of the Lower Miocene deposits of the sw part of the Carpathian Foredeep as the depositional response to sediment supply and sea-level changes
Geologica Carpathica, year: 2000, volume: 51, edition: 1
Uzavřeniny anhydritu a barytu v jurských geodách z Moravy a jejich genetický význam
Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku v roce 1999, year: 2000, volume: VII., edition: 1
Výsledky speleologických výzkumů na Kopcích u Lidečka
Speleofórum, year: 2000
Vývoj živců v prekambrických ryolitech brněnského masívu, implikace pro magmatické interpretace
Magurka 2000, year: 2000
Zlaté Hory ve Slezsku - největší rudní revír v Jeseníkách. Část 1.
Acta Mus.Moraviae, Sci.geol., year: 2000, volume: 85, edition: 1
Calciturbidite Composition with aSpecial View to Conodont Elements: A Case Study from Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous Carbonates of Moravia, Czech Republic
11th Bathurst Meeting, Cambridge, Journal of Conference Abstracts, year: 1999
Comparison of some relics of Miocene sediments on the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif
Geol. Carpathica, year: 1999, volume: 50, edition: sp.issue
Development of sedimentation, molluscs and palynospectra in the Lower Miocene of the south-western Part of the Carpathian Foredeep in Moravia (Czech Republic)
Acta Palaeobotanica, year: 1999, volume: 1999, edition: 2
Estavela, year: 1999, volume: 1, edition: 3
Devonian and Lower Carboniferous limestones in the southernmost part of the Moravian Karst
Acta musei Moraviae : Sci. geol., year: 1999, volume: roč. 84, edition: -