Project information
Centre of Biophysical Chemistry, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioanalysis. New Tools for Genomics, Proteomics and Biomedicine
- Project Identification
- LC06035
- Project Period
- 3/2006 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Basic Research Center
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
- prof. RNDr. Libuše Trnková, CSc.
- Keywords
- nukleové kyseliny, proteiny, karcinogeny, léčiva, poškození DNA, hybridizace DNA, interakce DNA-protein, nádorové supresory, amyloidní proteiny, mutantní proteiny, denaturace, agregace, elektrochemie, separace, kapilární elektroforéza, hmotová spektromet
- Cooperating Organization
Institute of Biophysics
Charles University
University of Pardubice
Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute Brno
After completion of the human genome project, there is demand for simple and inexpensive methods enabling analysis of details of individuals' genomes. The contemporary world science is oriented towards utilization of electrochemical DNA detection in thisanalysis. DNA electroactivity was discovered at the Institute of Biophysics in Brno. Laboratories of this Institute belong to the world elite in this field for more than four decades. In the partner laboratories, a considerable progress has been attainedin the research of electrochemical DNA sensors as well as in analysis of proteins and other substances in recent years. This project is based on the existing results and it is oriented towards advanced studies of the properties of biomacromolecules andt heir interactions with surfaces, especially electrodes, and towards research of intermolecular interactions of DNA and/or proteins important in severe disorders (cancer, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease). On the basis of electrochemistry, miniaturiza
Total number of publications: 228
Chromatographic (RP-HPLC) analysis of cholesterol and selected phytosterols
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Investigation of a DNA-Based Biosensor with Chitosan-Carbon Nanotubes Interface by Cyclic and Elimination Voltammetry
Electroanalysis, year: 2009, volume: 21, edition: 3-5, DOI
Investigation of relationships between barley stress peptides and beer gushing using SDS-PAGE and MS screening
Journal of Separation Science, year: 2009, volume: 32, edition: 22
CHEMICKÉ LISTY, year: 2009, volume: 103, edition: Symposium
Víceúrovňový design pokrokových materiálů 20096, year: 2009
Metal complexes of macrocyclic ligands mimicking enzyme activity
Abstract Book of ISABC 10 conference (International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry), year: 2009
Modelování a chemometrie v speciační analýze
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Monitoring of in vitro DNA synthesis and PCR amplification using 7-deaza-purines as electroactive markers
Moderní elektrochemické metody, year: 2009
Možnosti implementace eliminační voltametrie do elektrochemických analyzátorů
XXIX. moderní elektrochemické metody - sborník příspěvků, year: 2009
Off-line coupling of paramagnetic particles with electrochemical detector as a tool for isolation and detection of adiponectin
Vitamins, Nutrition, Diagnostics - the abstract book, year: 2009