Project information
Competitiveness of the Development Zones in the Czech Republic Focused to Innovative Enterprise
- Project Identification
- GP402/07/P436
- Project Period
- 1/2007 - 12/2008
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Postdoctoral projects
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Economics and Administration
- doc. RNDr. Josef Kunc, Ph.D.
- Keywords
- Development Zones, Innovate Enterprise, Competitiveness, Small and Mediium Sized Enterprices, Foreign Investment
During last years in the Czech Republic, not only according to pattern of EU and Lisbon strategy, an innovative environment and enterprise is prioritized by economists both in theory and practical application. As a typical environment for development of innovative potential different development zones, technological parks, innovative centers or clusters are considered. Such close-to-region groupment of enterpreuneurial activities creates environment for firms with innovative potential and facilitates their estabilishment and further development. One of crucial benchmarks of such firms is competitiveness especially in processing industry and cultivation of human resources in enterpreunerial environment both in state and regional scale. Innovative environment in the Czech Republic is still very juvenile and in experimental phase. Nevertheless, in comliance with innovative strategy framework of EU, the innovative environment changes rapidly and foreign companies with vast experience in innovative enterprise are favored, also to help local firms.
Total number of publications: 16
Konkurenční pozice rozvojových zón v České republice: regionálně-ekonomický pohled
Ekonomický časopis, year: 2010, volume: 58, edition: 2
Innovative environment in the Czech Republic: comparison of selected regions
Wilk, W. (ed.): Global Changes: Their Regional and Local Aspects, year: 2009
Průmyslové zóny v České republice: vybrané regionální a socioekonomické aspekty
Regionálne štruktúry ČR a SR: časové a priestorové zmeny, year: 2009
Rozvojový inovační potenciál vybraných měst České republiky (příklad Brna a Ostravy)
Geografické informácie, year: 2009, volume: 12, edition: 1
Rozvojový potenciál města Brna (rozvojové zóny a inovační podnikání)
Geodny Liberec 2008, výroční mezinárodní konference ČGS, year: 2009
Funkční a prostorová diferenciace brownfields: příklad města Brna
Regionální studia, year: 2008, volume: II, edition: 1
Innovative potential in the regions of the Czech Republic: economic, societal and regional aspects
Geography in Czechia and Slovakia, year: 2008
Možnosti výzkumu inovačního prostředí
Miscellanea Geographica Universitatis Bohemiae Occidentalis, year: 2008, volume: 14, edition: 1
Nová průmyslová zóna v Brně: brownfields nebo greenfields?
XI. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách, year: 2008
Rozvojové zóny a soukromý developer: vybraný příklad ve střední Evropě (CTP Invest)
Geografia Cassoviensis, year: 2008, volume: II, edition: 1