Project information
Methods of number theory
- Project Identification
- GA201/04/0381
- Project Period
- 1/2004 - 12/2006
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
- prof. RNDr. Radan Kučera, DSc.
- Keywords
- -
- Cooperating Organization
Institute of Computer Science of the ASCR, v. v. i.
- Responsible person Prof. RNDr. Štefan Porubský, DrSc.
- Responsible person prof. RNDr. Jiří Močkoř, DrSc.
The aim of the project is to join and to coordinate the teamwork and the number theoretical research on the participating Czech research centers. The effort of the members of the team should concentrate to pursue further the methods of the algebraic,comb inatorial and analytic number theory. More specifically, to develop new algebraic methods used for the characterization of fundamental aspects of algebraic number fields, those describing properties of the ideal structure of algebraic extensions, orthose used to study abstract ideal theory in various algebraic systems and in the theory of divisors of ordered groups. The methods of the combinatorial and analytic number theory should contribute to a better understanding of the arithmetical properties(as d ensity relations, irrationality, uniform distribution, etc.) of standard arithmetical objects as the sets of the rational and algebraic integers, or the sets of arithmetical functions, or their generalizations as abstract arithmetical semigroups.
Total number of publications: 6
Enlargement of the group of circular units of a bicyclic field
Journal of Number Theory, year: 2009, volume: 129, edition: 1
Annihilators of minus class groups of imaginary abelian fields
Annales de l'Institut Fourier, year: 2007, volume: 57, edition: 5
Annihilators for the class group of a cyclic field of prime power degree II
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, year: 2006, volume: 58, edition: 3
On Washington group of circular units of some composita of quadratic fields
Math. Slovaca, year: 2005, volume: 55, edition: 1
A note on involutory automorphisms of C and the use of algebraically independent numbers for the construction of diagonable matrices
Acta Math.Univ.Ostraviensis, year: 2004, volume: 12(2004), edition: 1
Některé otevřené problémy z elementární teorie čísel
Sborník abstraktů a elektronických verzí příspěvků na CD-ROMu, XXII.mezinárodní kolokvium o řízení osvojovacího procesu, year: 2004