Project information
Highly Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
- Project Identification
- MSM0021622419
- Project Period
- 1/2005 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Informatics
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
- Faculty of Science
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
- Institute of Computer Science
- Keywords
- Distributed Computing Systems; parallel Computing Systems
The main goal of this research proposal is to explore in depth how to effectively build and use large, scalable, complex, highly-reliable, and secure concurrent systems and how to make use of the computation and communication potential of large,distributed (also geographically), and parallel systems of heterogeneous computational resources, especially of the so called Grids. Another scientific goal is to design algorithms and automated systems for biomedical data processing using Grids.
Total number of publications: 874
MEMICS 2008 (Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science), Programme Committee member
Year: 2008, type: Workshop
MEMICS 2008, Fourth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science
Year: 2008, type: Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
MEMICS 2008, Fourth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science
Year: 2008, type: Workshop
Model Checking of Control-User Component-Based Parametrised Systems
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5282, year: 2008
Modelling and Formal Analysis of Component-Based Systems in View of Component Interaction
Year: 2008, type: R&D Presentation
Multipartitle EPR states
Molecular Physics, year: 2008, volume: 106, edition: 2-4
Multiple observations of quantum systems
Year: 2008, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
New approaches to automated cell image acquisition and analysis using fluorescence microscopy
Year: 2008, type: Requested lectures
New directions in quantum cryptography
Year: 2008, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Noise and the Mermin-GHZ Game
Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science, year: 2008