Project information
Interactions among the chemicals, environment and biological systems and their consequences on the global, regional and local scales (INCHEMBIOL)
- Project Identification
- MSM0021622412
- Project Period
- 1/2005 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
- prof. RNDr. Luděk Bláha, Ph.D.
- Keywords
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Basic objective of the research plan is complex approach to study of interactions among chemical compounds present in environmental compartments and their biological effects, study of the fate of mainly persistent chemical compounds in the environment, their effects on the environment and living organisms including human.
Fate in this concept consists of a summary of transport (from their input in the environment, transport within the environmental compartment, where they are discharged, transport among compartments and long-range transport in the environment) and transformation processes (abiotic and biotic transformations). It also includes study of distribution equilibriums, properties conditioning their environmental behaviour, study of the transformation processes and their products.
This complex approach is a part of long-term research activities of the centre RECETOX. It is based on exploration of the causality among chemical (presence of chemical compounds in the environment) and biological (mechanisms of effects on the living organisms) part of the problem of chemical contamination of the environment.
This complex approach requires interdisciplinary, team collaboration of specialists from number of natural sciences and is very demanding on equipment and financial sources.
The submitted research plan concentrates on acquirement of new scientific information and experimental data concerned with problem of chemical contamination of the environment with persistent, toxic compounds (persistent, organic pollutants, heavy metals, organometallic compounds). It is necessary to distinguish this contamination from natural migration of the compounds in atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere, and also study its interactions within these environmental spheres.
The basic objective of the research plan is characterization of fate and negative effects of chemical compounds in real ecosystems by interconnection of a few scientific disciplines studying:
chemical compounds in the environment - fate - transport and transformation, distribution in and among compartments; their determination in different abiotic and biotic environmental components,
abiotic processes in the environment - differentiation and migration of the compounds in the atmosphere and geosphere - geology, geochemistry, paleontology and climatology
effects of chemical compounds on living organisms – biochemical toxicology, genotoxicology, ecotoxicology, ecological epidemiology;
ecologic and human risks combining knowledge of more disciplines for quantification of existing risks
Total number of publications: 1714
Voltammetric Study of Aminopurines on Pencil Graphite Electrode in the Presence of Copper Ions
Electroanalysis, year: 2010, volume: 22, edition: 15
Výskyt železnatého gahnitu a dalších spinelidů v plášti žulovského masivu
Minerál, year: 2010, volume: XVIII, edition: 1
Využití paramagnetických částic pro izolaci oligonukleotidů s různou sekvencí a délkou řetězce
XXX. moderní elektrochemické metody - sborník přednášek, year: 2010
Zrnitostní charakteristika moderních fluviálních sedimentů příkladová studie z východní Moravy
Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku, year: 2010, volume: XVII, edition: 1-2
Zvýšení toxicity perzistentních organických polutantů v přítomnosti huminových látek
Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany, year: 2010, volume: 46, edition: 1
.: Keyhole-Lock-Key Model: Engineering of Tunnels in Proteins with Buried Active Sites
Year: 2009, type: Requested lectures
Abyssal pegmatite with anhydrous borosilicates from the Bory granulite, Moldanubicum, Czech Republic
Estudos Geologicos, year: 2009, volume: 19/2, edition: 2
Adsorptive transfer stripping techniques coupled with voltammetry as a tool for detection of sulphur-containing aminoacids in nanolitres
Amino Acids, year: 2009
An assessment of PAHs contamination of the Svitava and Svratka rivers, Czech Republic
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
An employment of electrochemical methods in nanotechnologies
Vitamins, Nutrition, Diagnostics 2009 - the abstract book, year: 2009