Project information
New trends in electrochemistry of nucleic acids and their applications in enviromental chemistry
- Project Identification
- GA203/02/0422
- Project Period
- 1/2002 - 12/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Science
- Cooperating Organization
Institute of Biophysics
- Responsible person RNDr. František Jelen, CSc.
Electrochemical methods represent fast and inexpensive approach in studies of structure, interactions and properties of biomacromolecules. In this project modem electrochemical techniques will be applied in connection with mercury and solid electrodes to study oligonucleotides and nucleic acids and then-interactions with some drugs and carcinogens. Information on the adsorption and redox properties of oligonucleotides with respect to their nucleotide sequences and lengths will be obtained. Electrochemica studies will concentrate also on interaction of the nucleic acids strands at the electrode surface aimed for developing sensors for various kind of nucleic acid damage and detection of genotoxic compounds in environment.
Total number of publications: 58
Electrochemical determination of glutathion and phytochelatins redox state
XVII th International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, year: 2003
Electrochemical Study of Heavy Metals and Metallothionein in Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica
Bioelectrochemistry, year: 2003, volume: neuveden, edition: 60
Elektrochemické biosenzory v analýze zemědělských produktů a vzorků životního prostředí
CHEMICKÉ LISTY, year: 2003, volume: neuveden, edition: 2003
Eliminační voltametrie oligonukleotidů
CHEMICKÉ LISTY, year: 2003, volume: 97, edition: 8
Square wave voltammetric analysis of azidothymidine in the presence of oligonucleotides and chromosomal DNA
XVII th International Symposium on Bioelectrochemictry and Bioenergetics, year: 2003
Study of electroplating processes on the graphite electrode using elimination voltammetry
6. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Elektrochemische Analysenmethoden - ELACH 6, year: 2003
Verifikácia teórie eliminačnej voltampérometrie na tuhej grafitovej elektróde
CHEMICKÉ LISTY, year: 2003, volume: 97, edition: 8
Zobecněný princip eliminační voltametrie
CHEMICKÉ LISTY, year: 2003, volume: 97, edition: 8
Analytické využití eliminační voltametrie
54. sjezd chemických společností, Brno, year: 2002
Electrochemical behavior of DNA at a silver electrode studied by cyclic and elimination voltammetry
Talanta, year: 2002, volume: 56, edition: 56