ETUR 2024 – CaviPlasma for the sustainable use of water resources

  • 1 October 2024
    5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
  • lecture room F1, building No. 6, Kotlářská 2 campus, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
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CaviPlasma for the sustainable use of water resources

Dr. Jan Čech

Water is the basis of human civilization and a prerequisite for the life of living organisms. However, we do not have unlimited water resources, so sooner or later, we will be forced to accelerate wastewater recycling. But how can we eliminate undesirable substances or micro-organisms from water and simultaneously do so in an ecologically and economically acceptable way?

We will try to answer these questions in a lecture on the internationally patented CaviPlasma™ technology, which we are developing together with colleagues from the Brno University of Technology and the Botanical Institute of the CAS at the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology, Faculty of Physics, MU. CaviPlasma combines two worlds - fluid engineering and the physics of electric discharges. And it takes the best of both to purify water "from nothing." Using only electrical energy supplied to the pumps and a high-voltage generator, we create "from water," a highly reactive mixture capable of killing pathogens, even highly resistant ones, and breaking down dangerous chemicals. But we can not only "destroy". For example, our treated water positively affects the amount of undesirable substances in the plants we grow in this water.

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