Event calendar

November 2020

15 Nov
31 Dec


Enjoy the non-traditional Researchers' Night, this time on the theme of "Humans and Robots". This year we have prepared a program for you completely online. You can look forward to a lot of interesting videos from the world of science.

19 Nov

Student Scientific Conference 2020

The Student Scientific Conference (SSC) is a regular event organised by the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the University of Chemical Technology (FCHI ICT) in Prague. A novelty of this year's conference is that it will be open to students of other Czech and Slovak universities.

25 Nov

Open Science

The workshop is intended primarily for PhD students, but also for senior scientists and academics.

During the two hours, the lecturers will discuss topics such as community science, DIY science, open publishing, science through social media, etc.

The speaker on the webinar will be Michal H. Kolar, PhD and Jaroslav Icha, PhD.

In case of any questions, please contact dr. Jašková (E: jaskova@rect.muni.cz, T: 5541).

from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

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