Event calendar

October 2020

1 Jul
30 Oct

Development of pedagogical competencies

This educational program is intended strictly for teachers who have an employment contract at Masaryk University. Both semesters are also accompanied by an e-learning course full of study materials and minor tasks which help develop the teaching of the attendees.

9 Oct

PhD Day at Faculty of Science

PhD Day is most suitable for doctoral students who have started their studies this year, but we also invite PhD students of higher years and master's students of 4th and 5th years of studies.

from 9:00 AM

15 Oct

Botanical seminar (in CZECH)

Zdeňka Lososová (Department of Botany and Zoology, SCI MUNI): Functional traits versus species relatedness in plant communities


from 4:00 PM

22 Oct

Botanical seminar


Jan Roleček (Department of Botany and Zoology, SCI MUNI): Floristic harvest festival

from 4:00 PM

29 Oct

Zoological seminar

Martin Reichard

Host-parasite relationships  in a dynamic world

Streamed online (in English)

from 1:00 PM

29 Oct

Botanical seminar

Veronika Kalníková (Department of Botany and Zoology SCI MUNI)

Diversity and ecology of the river gravel-bar vegetation (PhD defense)

Online: https://muni.cz/go/4cbec2 (in English)

from 4:00 PM

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