Grant Agency MU announces competitions for 2023

8 Sep 2022

The Rector of Masaryk University has announced the GAMU competitions for 2023:

More information about each call can be found on the GAMU website for each category; a webinar on the calls will be held on 20 Sep 2022.

GAMU guidelines valid from 9/9/2020 and the rules for the new competitions on the stands

If you are interested in applying for any of the competitions, please indicate your interest to the contact persons who will be happy to help you with your application:
Ing. Lucie Bodová: ÚMS, ÚFE, ÚFKL, ÚTFA, ÚGV, GÚ, RCX, ÚEB, ÚA, ÚBCH
Ing. Jitka Kosinová: ÚBZ, ÚCH, NCBR

Ing. Bc. Lucie Bodová


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