10th Session of the AS SCI MUNI for the Term of Office 2023-2026

which took place from 3:00 pm on Monday 24th February 2025 in meeting room B17/432 in Bohunice campus.

26 Feb 2025 Vít Kudrle

Approved agenda:

  1. Election of Chairperson of Student chamber of AS SCI MUNI
  2. Dean's action Statute of Faculty schools
  3. Organizational Regulations of the Department of Anthropology
  4. Organizational Regulations of the Department of Biochemistry
  5. Organizational Regulations of the Department of Condensed Matter Physics
  6. Organizational Regulations of the Department of Experimental Biology
  7. Accreditation of doctoral study program Experimental plant biology (both CZE and ENG)
  8. Dean's action Admission procedure fees and foreign country education evaluation fee
  9. Dean's action Academic Emeritus - Honorary member of faculty
  10. Complaint of Mathematics student concerning the situation in Data analytics study program
  11. Miscellaneous


Adopted findings and resolutions:

  1. Filip Svěrák was elected as chairman of students' chamber of AS SCI MUNI
  2. AS SCI MUNI approved the Organizational Regulations of the Department of Anthropology
  3. AS SCI MUNI approved the Organizational Regulations of the Department of Biochemistry
  4. AS SCI MUNI approved the Organizational Regulations of the Department of Condensed Matter Physics
  5. AS SCI MUNI approved the Organizational Regulations of the Department of Experimental Biology
  6. AS SCI MUNI has discussed and agrees, in accordance with Section 27(2)(a) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education), as amended, of the Masaryk University Internal Regulation on Approval, Management and Quality Assessment of MU Study Programmes, with the application for accreditation of doctoral study program Experimental plant biology (in Czech and English variant) and with nominating Petra Procházková Schrumpfová, Ph.D. as guarantor and recommends it to the Scientific board of SCI MUNI and the MU Internal Evaluation Board for approval.

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