RNDr. Jiří Jarkovský, Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses
correspondence Address:
Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno
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Total number of publications: 798
Seasonal dynamics of Proteocephalus sagittus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) in stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) from the Haná River, Czech Republic
Journal of Helminthology, year: 2004, volume: 78, edition: 3
Testing of different sub-sampling designs applied on multihabitat samples of stream macroinvertebrates
Book of Abstracts, year: 2004
Triton - komplexní systém pro hodnocení monitoringu vodních toků.
Ekotoxikologické Biotesty IV, Chrudim, 15-17.9.2004., year: 2004
Vícerozměrný robustní přístup pro kategorizace ovlivněných lokalit biomonitorovací sítě do daných referenčních kategorií. In Ekotoxikologické Biotesty IV
Chrudim, 15-17.9.2004., year: 2004
Parasite communities of freshwater fish under flood conditions
Parasitology Research, year: 2003, volume: 89, edition: 4
Seasonal occurrence and metrical variability of Gyrodactylus rhodei Zitnan, 1964 (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae)
Sixth International Symposium on Fish Parasites, year: 2003
Typology of running waters in the Czech Republic: proposal based on combination of biotic and abiotic classification
Sborník abstraktů z konference Zoologické dny. 2003, year: 2003
Vztah mezi taxonomickou a funkční strukturou společenstev makrozoobentosu
Sborník abstraktů z konference Zoologické dny, year: 2003
Biodiversity and other ecologically weighted indices in bioindication of surface ware quality
SECOTOX 2002. Trends and Advances in Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology. Book of contributions, year: 2002
Biodiversity measures as environmental indicators - is there a space for generalization over various biological communities under different type of stress ?
SECOTOX 2002. Trends and Advances in Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology. In Book of contributions, year: 2002