Total number of publications: 38
Vývoj oocýst neogregariny Mattesia dispora (Neogregarinorida: Lipotrophidae) na úrovni ultraštruktúry
Year: 2006, type: Conference abstract
Fine structure of trophozoites of the gregarine Leidyana ephestiae (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida) parasitic in Ephestia kuehniella larvae (Lepidoptera).
European Journal of Protistology, year: 2005, volume: 41, edition: 3
Gregarines and Cryptosporidium: comparison of their early developmental stages on ultrastructural level.
12 th International Congress of Protozoology), Guangzhou, China, July 10-15, 2005, p. 22, year: 2005
Morfologická variabilita epimeritov gregarín (Apicomplexa)
Year: 2005, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Ultrastructural analysis of developmental stages of Gregarina garnhami (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida), parasite of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria.
12 th International Congress of Protozoology, Guangzhou, China, July 10-15, 2005, Abstract book p. 24, year: 2005
Biológia a ultraštruktúra gregarin (Gregarina, Apicomplexa)
České a Slovenské parazitologické dny 2004, Ostravice, Sborník abstraktů, year: 2004
Gregarina vs. Cryptosporidium: Naozaj sú podobné?
Year: 2004, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Gregariny (Gregarina, Apicomplexa) niektorých zástupcov Myriapoda a Insecta
Zoologické dny, Brno 2003, Sborník abstraktů z konference, year: 2003