▪ 23. 7. - 16. 8. 1997 Centrum of Civic Education, Kalifornie, Oregon, Washington D. C.: An International Civic Education Exchange Program.
▪ 7. 5. - 13. 5. 1998 Centrum of Civic Education, COMENIUS, Bosna a Hercegovina, Sarajevo.
▪ 3. 10. - 5. 10. 1998 United States Information Service Prague, Třešť, CZE.
▪ 8. 7. - 12. 7. 2002 Cambridgeshire Country Council, Cambridge, GBR.
▪ 13. 10. - 17. 10. 2008 Nacionaliné Mokyklu vertinimo Agentura (National Agency for School Evaluation), Vilnius, LTU.
▪ 31. 3. - 1. 4. 2011 École européenne de Mol, BEL: In-Service Training - Integration of Pupils with Special Education Needs with British expert Neil Mackay.
▪ 10. 4. - 13. 4. 2012 The Private University College of Education of the Diocese of Linz, Linz, AUT. ERASMUS, Mobility, výukový program.
▪ 18. 3. - 22. 3. 2013 Uniwersytecie Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy , Polsko, ERASMUS, Mobility, výukový program.
▪ 1. 9. 2009 - 31.8. 2011 Schola Europaea, Bruxelles III, Triomflaan 135 boulevard du Triomhe, Bruxelles; 24 měsíců.
▪ 23.6.2014 - 27.6.2014 Faculty of Education and Health University of Greenwich, United Kingdom, Erasmus výukový program.
▪ 17. 9. 2012 – 21. 9. 2012: University of Cadiz, Cádiz, ESP.
▪ 22. 10. 2012 – 25. 10. 2012: The International School of Brussels, Brussel, BEL.
▪ 20.11. - 24.11.2017 - UK LINCOLN Bishop Groseteste University Velká Británie: Staff Mobility for Teaching.
▪ 3.12.2017 - 9.12.2017 University of Minnesota: Using Inclusive Practices to Internationalize Higher Education: a joint initiative of Masaryk University and University of Minnesota.
▪ 5.-10.5.2019 Finnish National Agency for Education.
▪ 29.9.-3.10. 2019 JAMK-Finland: JOINT Learning Community to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration between MU-JAMK.
▪ 3.10.-7.10.2022 DENISE International school of Esprit Scholen Group, Amsterdam, Nizozemsko.
▪ 17. 5. - 20. 5. 2023 University of Tartu, Estonia.