prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Štěrba, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Professional Education, Faculty of Medicine
correspondence Address:
Černopolní 212/9, 662 63 Brno
phone: | +420 532 23 4600, 4614 |
e‑mail: |
Total number of publications: 475
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the esophagus in childhood: a case report and a review of the literature
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, year: 2015, volume: 37, edition: 2, DOI
Langerhans cell histiocytosis: intrinsic immunoediting properties
Year: 2015, type: Conference abstract
New Drugs in Pediatric Oncology - Where Do We Stand Now - Pitfalls and Hurdles
Year: 2015, type: Conference abstract
Nové poznatky ve farmakologii methotrexátu – diagnostické možnosti a klinický význam
Klinická onkologie, year: 2015, volume: 28, edition: 3, DOI
OPTIMED Platform: Curriculum Harmonisation System for Medical and Healthcare Education
Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans: Proceedings of MIE2015, year: 2015
Overexpression of the Delta Np73 isoform is associated with centrosome amplification in brain tumor cell lines
Tumor Biology, year: 2015, volume: 36, edition: 10, DOI
Profil aktivace receptorových tyrozinkináz a mitogenem aktivovaných proteinkináz v terapii Maffucciho syndromu
Klinická onkologie, year: 2015, volume: 28, edition: Suppl. 2, DOI
Protein arrays as a tool for signaling pathways profiling in pediatric refractory solid tumors
Year: 2015, type: Conference abstract
Šance na vyléčení dětí s akutní lymfoblastickou leukémií stoupla v České republice v 21. století na 90 % – výsledky studie ALL IC-BFM 2002
Časopis lékařů českých, year: 2015, volume: 154, edition: 2
The Expression of c-Myb Correlates with the Levels of Rhabdomyosarcoma-specific Marker Myogenin
Scientific Reports, year: 2015, volume: 5, edition: 15090, DOI