Total number of publications: 36
Year: 2019, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Vliv kombinace nově syntetizovaných ferrocenů a radioterapie na nádorové buněčné linie karcinomu děložního hrdla
Year: 2019, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Development of electrochemical in vitro assay for micro RNA detection
Year: 2018, type: Conference abstract
Development of electrochemical in vitro assay for micro RNA detection
Year: 2018, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Ferrocenes as Potential Anticancer Drugs: Determination of The Mechanism of Action
Year: 2018, type: Conference abstract
Genomagnetic LAMP-based electrochemical test for determination of high-risk HPV16 and HPV18 in clinical samples
Analytica Chimica Acta, year: 2018, volume: 1042, edition: DEC 26 2018, DOI
Lidský papilomavirus - role v karcinogenezi cervixu a možnosti jeho detekce
Klinická onkologie, year: 2018
Současné metody analýzy mikroRNA
Klinická onkologie, year: 2018
The cytotoxic effect of newly synthesized ferrocenes against cervical carcinoma cells and their combination with radiotherapy
Year: 2018, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Vliv radioterapie na zvýšení citlivosti nádorových buněčných linií karcinomu děložního hrdla k nově syntetizovaným organokovovým sloučeninám
Year: 2018, type: Conference abstract