Total number of publications: 198
On the conservation laws in general relativity
Geometrical methods in physics, year: 1983
K analogii mezi rovinným a sférickým řešením vakuových gravitačních rovnic
Sborník 7. konference čs. fyziků, year: 1981
On the analogy between the plane and the spherical solutions of Einstein equations in the vacuum
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, year: 1981, edition: B32
On the inverse variational problem in the classical mechanics
Proceedings of the conference ČSSR - GDR - Poland on differential geometry and its applications, year: 1981
On the geometric foundations of the Lagrange formulation of general relativity
Colloquia mathematica societatis Janos Bolyai, year: 1979
Kapitoly z teoretické fyziky
Year: 1978
On the generally invariant lagrangians for the metric field and other tensor fields
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, year: 1978, volume: 17, edition: 9
A Non-static Source of the Taub Solution of Einstein's Equations
Physics Letters, year: 1977, edition: 63A
The Problem of an Analogy of Birkhoff's Theorem for the Plane Symmetric Gravitational Field
Scripta Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalia UJEP, year: 1977, number of pages: 3 s.
Sbírka příkladů ze statistické fyziky
Year: 1975, number of pages: 170 s.