Total number of publications: 55
Characteristics of deep aquifer methanogens as key elements in reservoir methanation
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
Microorganisms in an aquifer environment
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
Mikrobiální předúprava fugátu pro membránovou separaci
Year: 2019
Mixed Culture of Corn and White Lupine as an Alternative to Silage Made from Corn Monoculture Intended for Biogas Production
BioEnergy Research, year: 2019, volume: 12, edition: 3, DOI
Modřice Plant Anaerobic Digester: Microbial Distribution and Biogas Production
Water Air And Soil Pollution: Focus, year: 2019, volume: 230, edition: 10, DOI
Optimization of microalgal growth and cultivation parameters for increasing bioenergy potential: Case study using the oleaginous microalga Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick (IPPAS C2)
Algal Research, year: 2019, volume: 40, edition: JUN 2019, DOI
Possibilities of Growing Stillage Usage for Anaerobic Fermentation
Waste and Biomass Valorization, year: 2019, volume: 10, edition: 8, DOI
Production of biomethane in a deep rock aquifer
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
The Possibility of Using Spent Coffee Grounds to Improve Wastewater Treatment Due to Respiration Activity of Microorganisms
Applied Sciences, year: 2019, volume: 9, edition: 15, DOI
Zvýšení obsahu metanu v bioplynu pomocí konverze oxidu uhličitého a vodíku
Year: 2019, type: Requested lectures