prof. MUDr. Petr Štourač, Ph.D., MBA, LL.M., FESAIC

Vice-Dean for Development and Studies in General Medicine (Yrs 4 - 6), Faculty of Medicine

correspondence Address:
Černopolní 212/9, 662 63 Brno

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Basic information

Academic and management positions

MU Faculty or unit Faculty of Medicine
Job classification Vice-Dean for Development and Studies in General Medicine (Yrs 4 - 6)
MU Faculty or unit Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care MedicineFaculty of Medicine
Job classification Department head
MU Faculty or unit Department of Simulation MedicineFaculty of Medicine
Job classification Department head

Membership in academic and other bodies at MU

Board for Sustainable Developement Masaryk University
CEO Management Faculty of Medicine
Dean's Board Faculty of Medicine
Doctoral Board Anesthesiology, Intensive Medicine and Pain Management
Anesthesiology, Intensive Medicine and Pain Management
Healthcare Simulation
Healthcare Simulation
Komise pro pediatrickou specializaci Faculty of Medicine
Komise pro technický rozvoj Faculty of Medicine
Pracovní skupina pro infrastrukturu Faculty of Medicine
Pracovní skupina pro simulace v medicíně Faculty of Medicine
Rada garantů studijních programů Faculty of Medicine
Review Board Faculty of Medicine
Rozvrhová komise Faculty of Medicine
Scientific Board Faculty of Medicine
Working Group on Strategy and Data in the Visual Presentation Faculty of Medicine


MU Faculty or unit Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care MedicineFaculty of Medicine
Job classification Professor

MU Faculty or unit Department of Simulation MedicineFaculty of Medicine
Job classification Professor
MU Faculty or unit Department of Pediatric Infectious DiseasesFaculty of Medicine
Job classification Professor

Personal information

Personal identification - University ID 203027
Internal information Portál MU IS MU

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