Total number of publications: 209
Vakcína na bázi dendritických buněk u nemocných s mnohočetným myelomem může přispět ke stabilizaci onemocnění - výsledky klinické studie fáze II
Year: 2010, type: Conference abstract
Comparison of plasma cells phenotype in MGUS and MM
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Dendritic Cells Immunotherapy: A Phase II Clinical Trial.
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Evaluation of HGF and Endostatin in the bone marrow of patients with multiple myeloma and the effect of peripheral blood admixture
Scripta medica, year: 2009, volume: 82, edition: 2
Expression of CD27 on plasma cells in monoclonal gammopathies
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Expression of CD27 on plasma cells in multiple myeloma
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Flow cytometric analysis of T regulatory cells in monoclonal gammopathy patients
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Flow Cytometric Phenotyping and Analysis of T Regulatory Cells in Monoclonal Gammopathy Patients
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Fluorescence based separation of plasma cells
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
High Trombospondin Level Correlates Closely with Poor Response to Bortezomib Treatment
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract