RNDr. Blažena Švandová, Ph.D.


Finished procedures

Habilitation procedures
Applicant's name at procedure initiation RNDr. Blažena Švandová, Ph.D.
Procedure field Philosophy
Faculty implementing procedure Faculty of Arts
Procedure status procedure terminated
Procedure initiation date 29 Jan 2004
Procedure conclusion date 31 May 2005
Habilitation thesis (publicly available part)
Habilitation thesis reviewers prof. PhDr. Ing. Miloslav Dokulil, DrSc. (FI MU)
prof. PhDr. Pavel Cmorej, CSc. (MU - Faculty of Informatics)
Public lecture 10 Feb 2005
habilitation board
Chair prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Hroch, CSc. (MU - Faculty of Arts)
Members prof. PhDr. Petr Horák, CSc. (MU - Faculty of Arts)
prof. PhDr. Pavel Cmorej, CSc. (MU - Faculty of Arts)
doc. PhDr. Milan Mráz, CSc. (MU - Faculty of Arts)
doc. PhDr. Ivan Kuna CSc. (MU - Faculty of Arts)
Faculty scientific board session date 10 Feb 2005
Masaryk University Scientific Board session date 31 May 2005

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