doc. Mgr. Martin Trbušek, Dr.

Assistant professor, Section of Genetics and Molecular Biology


Finished procedures

Habilitation procedures
Applicant's name at procedure initiation Mgr. Martin Trbušek, Dr.
Applicant's workplace at procedure initiation Faculty of Medicine
Procedure field Oncology
Faculty implementing procedure Faculty of Medicine
Procedure status appointment to associate professor
Procedure initiation date 10 Oct 2016
Procedure conclusion date 1 May 2017
Habilitation thesis (publicly available part) Habilitation Thesis
Habilitation thesis reviewers prof. MUDr. Tomáš Papajík, CSc. ()
doc. MUDr. Daniel Lysák, Ph.D. ()
doc. RNDr. Miroslav Fojta, CSc. (CEITEC)
Reviewers' thesis reports Report 1 | Report 2 | Report 3
Public lecture 8 Dec 2016 | Lecture Evaluation
habilitation board
Chair prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Adam, CSc. (MU - Faculty of Medicine)
Members doc. MUDr. Pavel Žák, Ph.D. ()
doc. MUDr. Lenka Foretová, Ph.D. (Faculty of Medicine)
prof. RNDr. Mgr. Marie Jarošová, CSc. ()
prof. MUDr. Jan Trka, Ph.D. ()
Board decision Board Decision
Faculty scientific board session date 16 Feb 2017

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