doc. Mgr. Natália Martínková, Ph.D.
Associate professor, RECETOX
Total number of publications: 65
Deeply torpid bats can change position without elevation of body temperature
Journal of Thermal Biology, year: 2017, volume: 63, edition: January, DOI
Deeply torpid bats can change position without the elevation of body temperature
Year: 2017, type: Conference abstract
Extraction of outliers from imbalanced sets
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, year: 2017
Termální profil netopýra velkého (Myotis myotis) během hibernace na lokalitách se syndromem bílého nosu
Year: 2017, type: Conference abstract
White-nose syndrome pathology grading in Nearctic and Palearctic bats
Plos One, year: 2017, volume: 12, edition: 8, DOI
Ectoparasites may serve as vectors for the white-nose syndrome fungus
Parasites & Vectors, year: 2016, volume: 9, edition: January, DOI
White-nose syndrome without borders: Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection tolerated in Europe and Palearctic Asia but not in North America
Scientific Reports, year: 2016, volume: 6, edition: January, DOI
A Skull Might Lie: Modeling Ancestral Ranges and Diet from Genes and Shape of Tree Squirrels
Systematic Biology, year: 2015, volume: 64, edition: 6, DOI
Analýza sekvencí DNA
Year: 2015, type: Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
Extremely low genetic variation in endangered Tatra chamois and evidence for hybridization with an introduced Alpine population
Conservation Genetics, year: 2015, volume: 16, edition: 3, DOI