prof. MUDr. Tomáš Freiberger, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology
Total number of publications: 299
Skin Lesions in a Boy With X-linked Lymphoproliferative Disorder: Comparison of 5 SH2D1A Deletion Cases
Pediatrics, year: 2012, volume: 129, edition: 2, DOI
Spectrum of pathogens identified by molecular methods in patients with acute bacterial meningitis.
Year: 2012, type: Conference abstract
The logarithm of the triglyceride/HDL-cholesterol ratio is related to the history of cardiovascular disease in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia
Clinical Biochemistry, year: 2012, volume: 45, edition: 1-2
The molecular basis of familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech Republic: Spectrum of LDLR mutations and genotype-phenotype correlations
Atherosclerosis, year: 2012, volume: 223, edition: 2, DOI
The molecular basis of familial hypercholesterolemia in the Czech republic: Spectrum of LDLR mutations and genotype-phenotype correlations
Year: 2012, type: Conference abstract
Value of PCR in surgically treated patients with staphylococcal infective endocarditis: a 4-year retrospective study
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, year: 2012, volume: 31, edition: 6, DOI
X-vázaný hyper-IgM syndrom. Pacienti v České republice a přehled literatury
Alergie, year: 2012, volume: 14, edition: 1
An APEX-based genotyping microarray for the screening of 168 mutations associated with familial hypercholesterolemia
Atherosclerosis, year: 2011, volume: 216, edition: 1, DOI
An APEX-based genotyping microarray for the screening of mutations in the LDLR gene
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract
Endomyokardiální biopsie u recentní dilatační kardiomyopatie – zhodnocení vstupních charakteristik prvních padesáti nemocných
Cor et Vasa, year: 2011, volume: 53, edition: 11