Informace o projektu
Sharing experience in scientific software and applications development (SESSAD)


Projekt nespadá pod Přírodovědeckou fakultu, ale pod Lékařskou fakultu. Oficiální stránka projektu je na webu
Kód projektu
Období řešení
1/2022 - 12/2022
Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj ČR
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Lékařská fakulta
Spolupracující organizace
Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH

In the domains of natural sciences, medicine and health care, innovations and scientific advancements are enabled more then ever by digital solution. Scientific software systems and applications are the backbone of science as well as education and knowledge-transfer. Most prominently, since the very beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, software solutions played a central role in collection and analysis of data for visualizing and predicting infections and, furthermore, for developing, testing and distributing vaccines. Scientific software solutions are becoming increasingly large and complex, using latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, image processing, simulation, visualization. At the same time, these solutions have to serve research with highest standards regarding correctness, precision, performance as well as traceability and explainability. Scientific software tools and applications cannot be developed by a single person or organization anymore. In order to fulfil all requirements, scientific software has to apply best software engineering practices and requires joint effort across several teams and organization, as well as interdisciplinary collaboration. Both Interreg regions the research and innovation are important drivers for medical science and education as well as for the economy in medical technologies and digital health.

Cíle udržitelného rozvoje

Masarykova univerzita se hlásí k cílům udržitelného rozvoje OSN, jejichž záměrem je do roku 2030 zlepšit podmínky a kvalitu života na naší planetě.

Cíl udržitelného rozvoje č.  3 – Zdraví a kvalitní život Cíl udržitelného rozvoje č.  4 – Kvalitní vzdělání

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