Geography of Global Environmental Change
Navazující magisterské studium v prezenční formě v anglickém jazyce.
Program je možné studovat pouze jednooborově. Studium je zpoplatněno částkou 4 500 EUR za akademický rok.
Co se naučíte
One of the challenges facing human society today is to understand the main causes and possible impacts of current global environmental change, and then to find appropriate ways to adapt to that change. The main goal of the study program is to offer students a geographical view of the current very dynamic environmental changes. The physical basis of the global environmental change is studied from the perspective of the main disciplines of physical geography. The part of the study program that focuses on the impact on society and the possibilities of adaptation is the domain of social geography. Knowledge and skills associated with methods of studying the spatio-temporal variability of the global change manifestations are covered by subjects in the field of geoinformatics and cartography.
„Understanding the causes of the global change turns it from threat to opportunity“
Practical training is not required.
Further information can be found here:
Chcete vědět víc?
Further information can be found here:
Uplatnění absolventů
There is growing urgency for experts in the field of the environmental change globaly. Your career opportunities will not be restricted to a national level. Graduates may develop careers around the world across the scientific and educational institutions, non-profit organizations, environmental agencies and state administration.
Podmínky přijetí
Údaje z předchozího přijímacího řízení (přihlášky 1. 11. 2024 – 28. 2. 2025)
The admission procedure is held in two rounds during March 2025. Admission is based on the overall results of the entrance exam and the programme's capacity. It is recommended to have a Bachelor's degree in Geography or a related field of study.
1) In the first stage, applicants must submit all required documents (see below) and complete a short competency questionnaire. Based on these documents, the committee will shortlist suitable candidates and invite them for a personal interview.
Required documents:
- Cover letter
- CV
- Competency questionnaire (to be downloaded in the e-application)
- Transcript of Records and Bachelor's degree diploma
- English language certificate (in case English is not the native language)
2) Those applicants who will successfuly pass the first round will be invited for an on-line interview which will be held between March 17, 2025 and March 21, 2025, expected duration 30-40 minutes. During the interview, the applicant should prove a basic orientation in the field of physical geography, human geography, and geoinformatics methods. Applicants should also expect a general question (applicant’s introduction, experience in the field, motivation, expectations of the study). English language skills will be evaluated during the entrance exam.
More information can be found here.
Kritéria hodnocení
Admission is based on the entrance exam's overall results and the programme's capacity.
In the first stage, the applicant must obtain at least 200 points out of 300.
- Competency questionnaire (max. 200 points)
- Quality of the other required documents (max. 100 pts.)
In the second stage, the applicant must obtain at least 500 points out of 700.
- Exam interview (max. 500 pts.)
- English language skills (max. 200 pts.)
Doporučená literatura
STRAHLER, Alan H. Introducing Physical Geography. 5. vyd. Wiley, 2010. 656 s. ISBN 0-470-13486-0.DE BLIJ, Harm Jan a Alexander B. MURPHY. Human geography: culture, society, and space. 7th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003. xii, 555. ISBN 0471441074.
DEMERS, Michael N. Fundamentals geographic information systems. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000. xiii, 498. ISBN 0471314234.
Předměty – příklad průchodu studiem
Jak může vypadat vaše studium:
1. semestr
2. semestr
3. semestr
4. semestr
Podrobné informace o předmětech studijního plánu
Informace o studiu
Zajišťuje | Přírodovědecká fakulta | |
Typ studia | magisterský navazující na bakalářský | |
Forma | prezenční | ano |
kombinovaná | ne | |
distanční | ne | |
Možnosti studia | jednooborově | ano |
jednooborově se specializací | ne | |
v kombinaci s jiným programem | ne | |
Doba studia | 2 roky | |
Vyučovací jazyk | angličtina | |
Bodové hranice a počty přijatých z minulých let | ||
Poplatky za studium
Studium v cizích jazycích je zpoplatněné, platba je za akademický rok |
4 500 EUR Více informací |
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