Mgr. Bc. Lucie Bielská, Ph.D.

specialistka pro hodnocení chemických rizik – Národní centrum

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Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno

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625 00 Brno

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telefon: 549 49 4842
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Curriculum Vitae

  • Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
Employment - Position
  • Since 2009- researcher at RECETOX, MU
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 2013 - Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Masaryk University, Brno; 2010 - Bc. in Laboratory Quality Management, Masaryk University, Brno; 2008 - MSc. in Environmental Chemistry, Masaryk University, Brno; 2006 - Bc. in Chemistry, Masaryk University, Brno
  • Since 2009- Researcher at RECETOX, MU, CZ; Since 2016 - Environmental risk assessor, State Institute for Drug Control, CZ
  • 2016 - Postdoctoral fellow (Institute for Biodiversity-Laboratory Ecossa, DE); 2016 - Postdoctoral fellow (University of Vienna, Department of Environmental Geosciences, AT); 2016 - Postdoctoral fellow (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, AT); 2015 - Postdoctoral fellow (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NO); Since 2013 - Postdoctoral fellow, RECETOX, Masaryk University, CZ; 2009-2013 - Doctoral fellow, RECETOX, Masaryk University, CZ
Major Publications
  • HALE, Sarah E., Lucia ŠKULCOVÁ, Marek PÍPAL, Gerard CORNELISSEN, Amy M. P. OEN, Erik EEK a Lucie BIELSKÁ. Monitoring wastewater discharge from the oil and gas industry using passive sampling and Danio rerio bioassay as complimentary tools. Chemosphere. OXFORD: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2019, roč. 216, February, s. 404-412. ISSN 0045-6535. Dostupné z: Full Text info
  • SILVANI, Ludovica, Sigurbjorg HJARTARDOTTIR, Lucie BIELSKÁ, Lucia ŠKULCOVÁ, Gerard CORNELISSEN, Luca NIZZETTO a Sarah E. HALE. Can polyethylene passive samplers predict polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) uptake by earthworms and turnips in a biochar amended soil? Science of the Total Environment. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2019, roč. 662, April, s. 873-880. ISSN 0048-9697. Dostupné z: Full Text info
  • ŠKULCOVÁ, Lucia, Kerstin E. SCHERR, Jakub HOFMAN a Lucie BIELSKÁ. What are the effects of soil treatment procedures (sterilization by gamma-irradiation and solvent-assisted spiking) on DDE bioaccumulation by earthworms? Environmental Pollution. OXFORD, OXON, ENGLAND: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2018, roč. 243, December, s. 1479-1486. ISSN 0269-7491. Dostupné z: URL info
  • BIELSKÁ, Lucie, Ivana HOVORKOVÁ, Jan KUTA, Jiří MACHÁT a Jakub HOFMAN. The variability of standard artificial soils: cadmium and phenanthrene sorption measured by a batch equilibrium method. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. San Diego: ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2017, roč. 135, January, s. 17-23. ISSN 0147-6513. Dostupné z: URL info
  • ŠKULCOVÁ, Lucia, Natália NEUWIRTHOVÁ, Jakub HOFMAN a Lucie BIELSKÁ. Assessment of the biological and chemical availability of the freshly spiked and aged DDE in soil. Environmental Pollution. OXFORD, OXON, ENGLAND: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2016, roč. 212, May, s. 105-112. ISSN 0269-7491. Dostupné z: URL info
  • BIELSKÁ, Lucie a Jakub HOFMAN. The kinetics of solid-phase microextraction measured for freshly added and aged hydrophobic compounds in two different soils. International Journal of environmental analytical Chemistry. ABINGDON (ENGLAND): TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2015, roč. 95, č. 7, s. 635-649. ISSN 0306-7319. Dostupné z: URL info
  • ŠMÍDOVÁ, Klára, Jana ŠERÁ, Lucie BIELSKÁ a Jakub HOFMAN. Influence of feeding and earthworm density on compound bioaccumulation in earthworms Eisenia andrei. Environmental Pollution. OXFORD (ENGLAND): Elsevier Science, 2015, roč. 207, DECEMBER, s. 168-175. ISSN 0269-7491. Dostupné z: URL info
  • BIELSKÁ, Lucie, Klára ŠMÍDOVÁ a Jakub HOFMAN. Solid phase microextraction of organic pollutants from natural and artificial soils and comparison with bioaccumulation in earthworms. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. SAN DIEGO: ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2014, roč. 100, February, s. 44-52. ISSN 0147-6513. Dostupné z: info
  • BIELSKÁ, Lucie, Klára ŠMÍDOVÁ a Jakub HOFMAN. Supercritical fluid extraction of persistent organic pollutants from natural and artificial soils and comparison with bioaccumulation in earthworms. Environmental Pollution. OXFORD, OXON, ENGLAND: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2013, roč. 176, č. 2013, s. 48-54. ISSN 0269-7491. Dostupné z: info
  • BIELSKÁ, Lucie, Ivana HOVORKOVÁ, Klára KOMPRDOVÁ a Jakub HOFMAN. Variability of standard artificial soils: Physico-chemical properties and phenanthrene desorption measured by means of supercritical fluid extraction. Environmental Pollution. OXFORD, ENGLAND: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2012, roč. 163, APRIL, s. 1-7. ISSN 0269-7491. Dostupné z: info
  • VLČKOVÁ, Klára, Jakub HOFMAN, Lucie BIELSKÁ a Kirk T SEMPLE. Bioavailability of POPs to earthworms in relationship with soils properties and other factors. In Protection of agricultural soils against joint stress of natural and anthropogenic factors, 13 - 16 June 2011, Pulawy, Poland. In : Abstract Book p. 69-70. 2011. ISBN 978-83-7562-086-3. info


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