Open Science Roadshow at Faculty of Science information

10 May 2021, 9:05  |  Čeština

Newsletter for employees

Open Science Roadshow

Dear colleagues from SCI MUNI,

I would like to cordially invite you to the Faculty of Science meeting of the Open Science Roadshow. Colleagues who currently work on the preparation of MU strategy will introduce - for example – how to improve access to our research results, what to expect during FAIRification of research data, and how data stewards will help with these efforts. Open Science and Open Data are essential topics for the 21st century, and leader of the Faculty proudly support these future standards of our work.

I invite you to actively participate on both preparation and implementation of the university strategy. I am looking forward for your participation, reflections and suggestions.

Luděk Bláha, vice-dean

Tue 18 May 2021

Open Science Roadshow 

The Open Science Roadshow goal is to present the draft of the Open Science Strategy MUNI 20222028 at individual Faculties and Institutes and to obtain feedback from academics and researchers. The feedback will help the University Open Science Team finalize the strategy draft and prepare it for university management approval in autumn 2021.

Use this unique opportunity to influence the university's direction in Open Science from the perspective of your faculty/department.

The topic of Open Science is also part of the new personnel strategy of the Faculty of Science MU, HR Award/HRS4R.

The meeting for the academic and research community of Faculty of Science in the CZECH language will take place 18.5.2021 from 13:00 to 15:00 online using the MS Teams application.

Wed 9 Jun 2021

Open Science Workshop 2021 

On Wednesday 9.6.2021 from 10 till 16, there will be a university-wide workshop called Open Science Workshop 2021 held in ENGLISH. The event will mainly focus on the university Open Science Strategy and you will be able to get the information in English about the agenda presented during the Roadshow at Faculty of Science. The promotion of the event will start next week at“

Join the Open Science Roadshow at our faculty on May 18, 2021

Do you publish? Do you produce research data? Then, come and get acquainted with the upcoming MUNI Open Science Strategy for the years 2022–2028 and discuss its possible form.

What is Open Science?

According to the article, Open Science is a research accelerator, Open Science is a movement for making scientific research accessible (including publications, data, samples, and software) and its dissemination at all levels of society, amateur and professional. Open science is also understood as a transparent and accessible set of knowledge shared and developed in a network of scientific collaboration, as you can read here. In addition, Open Science includes procedures such as:

  • publishing ongoing research,
  • Open Access campaign,
  • encouraging scientists to train Open notebook science, making research accessible from the initial research notes or laboratory diaries
  • and procedures in general to facilitate the publication and communication of scientific knowledge.

Emerging MUNI Open Science Strategy

And how is our university doing with Open Science? As stated by the Open Science Manager of MUNI, Jiří Marek from UVT MUNI: “The topic of Open Science or‘ modern access and management of scientific results ’in academic and research circles is resonating more and more. Both in the international and European field (European Open Science Cloud initiative or Horizon Europe framework program), and gradually also in the domestic field. Masaryk University does not want to be left behind in Open Science. Therefore it is preparing the MUNI Open Science Strategy for 2022–2028 to make it as easy as possible for its employees to adapt to the upcoming changes in scientific practice. The strategy primarily focuses on Open Access (open access to scientific publications) and FAIR Data (research data),” concluded Marek.

As this Open Science is and will be an essential part of supporting science in the years to come, Mark says it is crucial to get feedback from academics and researchers - the key beneficiaries of these strategic measures − and inform them about planned steps at the university level. The topic is perceived as a new type of infrastructure of advanced scientific services.

The topic of Open Science is also part of the new personnel strategy of the Faculty of Science MU, HR Award/HRS4R.


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